Topic: My diagram is not working

I try to connect Canny device with the machine.

I made the connection Can0 with the ECU and Can01 with the vehicle.

I made a diagram that change the value of IDL 0x0A32.

put contact on, i get errors that Ecu not is actief.

Wat can be the problem.

Map send with email.



Re: My diagram is not working

have a question about 120 ohm termination resistor in canny 7 duo.

Saterday i dit a test on a machine but it not works, canny send no data in the canbus. I read that the 120 ohm termination resistor have to be enabled if the can speed is 500 kbps. My canbus speed is 250 kbps. If i have to enable the120 ohm termination resistor , is on Can0 or Can01?


Re: My diagram is not working

I made a diagram that change the value of IDL 0x0A32.

I can't see the CAN Gateway Selector 0 Mask Setup Register, CAN IDL on your diagram.
And do you sure about your CAN Gateway Selector 0 Drop Mode Enable Register value?

Saterday i dit a test on a machine but it not works, canny send no data in the canbus. I read that the 120 ohm termination resistor have to be enabled if the can speed is 500 kbps. My canbus speed is 250 kbps. If i have to enable the120 ohm termination resistor , is on Can0 or Can01?

Please see here: https://forum.cannylogic.com/viewtopic.php?pid=908#p908


Re: My diagram is not working

Thx for the info.

In the manual I not find mutch info for the use of the resistors.

I wil check my diagram send send it back .



Re: My diagram is not working

canny 7 duo now works on the canbus.

I try now with a simple map: disable the retransmision.

In my cantrace is have Canid: 0x18FEBF03.

IDL will be F03 (if i m correct)

Canny not block the messages.

I think then that the IDL is wrong.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon cantrace.JPG 230.26 kb, 13 downloads since 2024-06-15 


Re: My diagram is not working

the protocol is J1939 with 29 bit Canid.

Have i to use the Can ERL in my diagram?


Re: My diagram is not working

In my cantrace is have Canid: 0x18FEBF03.

IDL will be F03 (if i m correct)

No, you are not. Please see description of the "CAN Gateway Selector X Value Setup Register, CAN IDL" her https://cannylogic.com/docs/c72duo/cangateway/

the protocol is J1939 with 29 bit Canid

Please read all information related to extended format in the article at that link.

8 (edited by Fendttech 06-07-2024 15:09:34)

Re: My diagram is not working

i try to build a simple diagram.

can id: 0x18FEF103 - extended format.


I want to change D0:D1 with value 20 (dec)

On the simulator i see no fault, but not works on the machine.

Can you check wat is wrong?



Re: My diagram is not working

Fendttech wrote:

can id: 0x18FEF103 - extended format.


This is finally correct register's values for some applications. However, you did not indicate the full names of the registers.

Can you check wat is wrong?

You did not attach a diagram and didn't ask a specific question. I just can’t "check" whatever that means because I don’t know what “wrong” means in your case.


Re: My diagram is not working


i try to understand the logic in building of a diagram.

I think that I mis somme important settings in my diagram.

maybe i have to search for "Canlogic for dummys" :-)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon extended_j1939.cfd 2.01 kb, 26 downloads since 2024-07-09 


Re: My diagram is not working

Looks like you almost made it!

Please see the attachment for the diagram, slightly corrected to my taste.

Please check that you have connected CAN0 to the source of the original messages and CAN1 to the receiver of the modified messages. Check that the CAN termination is correct. If after all it doesn’t work as it should, then message logs from both CAN interfaces will be required for further diagnostic.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon extended_j1939_1.cfd 2.38 kb, 30 downloads since 2024-07-09 


Re: My diagram is not working

Thx for the support.

I have to learn mutch more.

i dit 1 correction, green light to can1 request to send.

if my diagram i made is now correct then =

canid: 0x18FEF103 (extended format)

Change value D1:D0 to 20 (Dec)

Send to Can 1

-Do i have to change Bit?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon extended_j1939_1.cfd 2.39 kb, 28 downloads since 2024-07-09 


Re: My diagram is not working

i dit 1 correction, green light to can1 request to send.

Why? This is completely wrong.

Do i have to change Bit?

What Bit?


Re: My diagram is not working

Konstantin, CANNY logic wrote:

Why? This is completely wrong.

What is wrong?
d' ont i have to use the "Can1 request to send" ?
To send the modify bits to Can1?

In my previous map the output was "Green light",so i think no data will be send to Can1.

Konstantin, CANNY logic wrote:

What Bit?

D0:D1 are the value that i want to change. (speedometer)


Re: My diagram is not working


I find this map on the russian forum.

The map is to change the speedometer with modify bit D1:D0.

Can you control of this can work?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Speedo-V1.cfd 4.16 kb, 25 downloads since 2024-07-10 


Re: My diagram is not working

Taking ready-made examples and modifying them to solve your problems is a good way to learn a new product.
However, this is only true if you have read the documentation beforehand and understand what exactly you are changing and what effect these changes will have.
A necessary addition to this method is repeated analysis and rechecking of the modifications made, as well as constant monitoring of the operation of the modified example in hardware after each modification using measuring instruments, data loggers, etc.
This way you will be able to observe what effects your changes lead to, even if you did not read the documentation carefully enough or made a mistake when changing the example.
The most useless thing you can do in terms of gaining new knowledge is to ask someone else to do all this work for you.
If your goal is not to learn how to work with controllers, measuring devices and documentation, but to get a ready-made working circuit, then all I can advise you is to create a new topic here: https://forum.cannylogic.com/viewforum.php?id=11  and wait for a response if someone answers you.

And yes, you made a mistake, at least here:

Post's attachments

err.png, 8.02 kb, 360 x 216
err.png 8.02 kb, 28 downloads since 2024-07-10 


Re: My diagram is not working

Konstantin, CANNY logic wrote:

Taking ready-made examples and modifying them to solve your problems is a good way to learn a new product.
However, this is only true if you have read the documentation beforehand and understand what exactly you are changing and what effect these changes will have.
A necessary addition to this method is repeated analysis and rechecking of the modifications made, as well as constant monitoring of the operation of the modified example in hardware after each modification using measuring instruments, data loggers, etc.
This way you will be able to observe what effects your changes lead to, even if you did not read the documentation carefully enough or made a mistake when changing the example.
The most useless thing you can do in terms of gaining new knowledge is to ask someone else to do all this work for you.
If your goal is not to learn how to work with controllers, measuring devices and documentation, but to get a ready-made working circuit, then all I can advise you is to create a new topic here: https://forum.cannylogic.com/viewforum.php?id=11  and wait for a response if someone answers you.

And yes, you made a mistake, at least here:

Yes my goal is to learn more of controllers. If this controller works , i wil need more controllers.
wat i d ont  understand is how to see the faults in my diagram that i make. Diagram check is ok, simulator is ok.
I change the fault from 0x800F to 0x8008. But still the bytes that i want to change not change.
I try to learn from the faults that i make :-)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Speedo-V1.cfd 4.16 kb, 22 downloads since 2024-07-11 


Re: My diagram is not working

Fendttech wrote:

Diagram check is ok, simulator is ok.

Just because a diagram doesn't have formal errors doesn't mean it does exactly what you need. The simulator will help debug the logic, but not the interaction with the Firmware drivers. Please read this topic carefully: https://cannylogic.com/docs/cannylab/si … escription

Fendttech wrote:

wat i d ont  understand is how to see the faults in my diagram that i make.

Exactly as I told you before:

Konstantin, CANNY logic wrote:

A necessary addition to this method is repeated analysis and rechecking of the modifications made, as well as constant monitoring of the operation of the modified example in hardware after each modification using measuring instruments, data loggers, etc.

And regarding this:

Fendttech wrote:

But still the bytes that i want to change not change.

Where is the data on which you made this conclusion?  As I told you before:

Konstantin, CANNY logic wrote:

Please check that you have connected CAN0 to the source of the original messages and CAN1 to the receiver of the modified messages. Check that the CAN termination is correct. If after all it doesn’t work as it should, then message logs from both CAN interfaces will be required for further diagnostic.


Re: My diagram is not working

Finaly it works !

My simple test diagram works.

With datalogger is see the bits is changend.

only the speedometer not use the new bits.

Is it nessecary that i put in the diagram that every Xms the candata send?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon extended_j1939_1.cfd 3.52 kb, 27 downloads since 2024-07-12 


Re: My diagram is not working

My simple test diagram works.

Your simple test diagram not only works, it sends junk messages with ID 0x000 and no data to CAN1 every time it receives a message with ID 0x18FEF103 or 0x18FEB103 on CAN0.

This happens because you throw registers on the diagram following some logic of your own instead of studying the documentation.


Re: My diagram is not working


i try a simple diagram to block the ID:0x18FEBF03

even this not works wiht my cannyduo.

i dont now what can be wrong.

all the connectors are good can0 , can1

what i experience is that sometimes i get canbus faults. then if i trun of the power en start again the fault is gone. weird

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 18FEBF03_from_CAN0_not_sent_to_CAN1.cfd 1.79 kb, 6 downloads since 2024-09-06 


Re: My diagram is not working

Try this. And check the termination twice.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 18FEBF03_from_CAN0_not_sent_to_CAN1_1.cfd 2.27 kb, 8 downloads since 2024-09-06 


Re: My diagram is not working

with this diagram the id is blockt
