Topic: Fastest way to detect ID


What is the fastest way to detect a specific ID?
I've tried with "equal to" between CAN0 RX IDL and for instance constant ID:0x123, but as soon as I put the result on digital output and measure with a logic analyzer, detection works great but seems to wait the entire frame before setting the output.
Is there a better (faster) way to achieve that (using gateway or so)?

Thank you

Best regards



Re: Fastest way to detect ID

Is there a better (faster) way to achieve that (using gateway or so)?



Re: Fastest way to detect ID

But what exactly problem you want to solve? Maybe it is possible to solve it in another way.


Re: Fastest way to detect ID


I would like to identify ID as fast as possible to try to inject fault in the Bus.
Using a IO with an external CAN Driver, I would like to force a dominant level in the data frame or after a precise delay when detecting specific ID.

Thank you



Re: Fastest way to detect ID

Most likely, you cannot do this using CANNY.
But you can place CANNY 7.2 Duo "in-cut" of CAN bus near this ID source ECU and just exclude all messages with this ID from CAN bus traffic using CAN Gateway Driver: https://cannylogic.com/docs/c72duo/cang … ansmission