Topic: How to create SFX without a diagram and even a firmware?


I need to be able to create an SFX to allow users to update the User Parameters BUT I do not want to provide the diagram as it could be stolen to replicate the modules. The firmware is not even needed in this use case.

Thank for any help!


Re: How to create SFX without a diagram and even a firmware?

For now, the User Parameters is a part of the diagram. You can't make the SFX with the User Parameters but without a diagram.

However, you can implement the some sort of receiving a simple "parameters" in your diagram during it operation and save them into EEPROM.

In this case, parameters data input can be organized using a discrete button on CANNY inputs, CAN or UART messages.

Returning to SFX:

An SFX does not contain a diagram, but its binary code. Hacking SFX will require some effort. For that matter, even microchips are hackable.

Each device instance has a unique 32 bit ID.

You can link your diagram to a specific device ID.


Re: How to create SFX without a diagram and even a firmware?


Ok, thanks for your valuable inputs. You anyway want to think about this use case in a future version of the "Create SFX" function.

This being said, I am not sure what will be the future of this as I think we cannot buy anything from Russia anymore considering the situation.



Re: How to create SFX without a diagram and even a firmware?

Sure, we will think about such SFX function. Thank you for your advice!

And you can buy anything from Russia, but with slightly increased logistics costs.

So it makes sense to buy a significant amount of devices at once.

You can get more information here: https://cannylogic.com/contacts/#where_buy


Re: How to create SFX without a diagram and even a firmware?


If I want to use the Device Ids. Is there a way to have the determination it is a valid device (as you documented) calculated once at the beginning only then for future loops it is no more executed to avoid spending resources for nothing?



Re: How to create SFX without a diagram and even a firmware?

Maybe this way will work for you (see attachment)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon CheckDeviceID.cfd 1.14 kb, 164 downloads since 2022-06-21 


Re: How to create SFX without a diagram and even a firmware?

Thank you!
That should work.
How can I simulate this?
How long the reset condition is valid? 1 cycle?



Re: How to create SFX without a diagram and even a firmware?

How can I simulate this?

You can force values in simulator: https://cannylogic.com/docs/cannylab/si … ced_values

How long the reset condition is valid? 1 cycle?

Exactly: https://cannylogic.com/docs/c53pico/res … controller


Re: How to create SFX without a diagram and even a firmware?

Thank you for your great help and patience!