Topic: Canny 7 Demo kit

Good morning, everyone,
I bought a demo kit to learn how to use the cannylab.
I can't get the switches to work in input mode. After several tries I can't understand how to program this function.
I would like for example to use switch 0 in input mode to drive the leds in output mode of channel 1.
Can you help me ?
I consulted the wiki but I haven't found the solution.
Waiting for your answer.
Best regards.


Re: Canny 7 Demo kit

You need to prepare Demo Board to work first. Please see https://wiki.cannylogic.com/index.php?t … 7_Demo_Kit
Upload the firmware and your diagram to controller.
Turn the main controller power by setting 3-pos switch on demo board in position Power (see label 12 on picture below)
Select the push button polarity by setting 3-pos switch on demo board in properly position (see label 13 on picture belo) https://wiki.cannylogic.com/images/thumb/e/e9/Demo.png/1200px-Demo.png

Then if you press any push button, voltage with selected polarity will applied to appropriate controller's channel.

With attached diagram:
Set push button polarity to +12V then press and hold CH0 button for 200 ms or longer and release for 200 ms or longer for switch CH1 output on and off. The controller on-board LED will indicate debounced CH0 state.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon c7_ch0_to_ch1.cfd 587 b, 210 downloads since 2020-03-25 


Re: Canny 7 Demo kit

Good morning, sir,
Thank you for your answer, everything works.
I'll see you soon.